6×5 Wall System Setup


SKU: apo_6x5_wall_bundle Categories: , , ,


Assembly bundle for a 6-row by 5-column Wall System setup. Parts list:

Please note that the bundle only contains the aponix elements and can be extended with an individual irrigation underneath the top Lid row (visualized by a 32 PVC pipe) and drainage (visualized by the 32 PVC pipe underneath the bottom Module row). You could also water manually by lifting the top Lids and using a garden hose.

The setup covers a wall area of 110cm width and 115cm height. For a recirculating setup you should also plan for some space underneath to catch and store the liquid.

The set is packaged and shipped in a box with the dimensions: 51cm by 54cm by 64cm, 16kg.

You can also add the following optional elements:

See also: Aponix Wall System details, brochure and technical data sheet for details on how to mount and prepare the backside on your target wall.