
Latest interviews and publications:
[2025-02-19 Aponix open-sources Vertical Barrel System] [2024-08-22 Aponix Urban Farming Components] [2023-10-27 ESA Commercialization Gateway: AGXX Aantimicrobial Coating Technology used in Space enhances Vertical Plant Production] [2023-10-03 Interviev urban|vine Aponix Urban Farming Components] [2023-03 Interview: What does ChatGPT know about co-creative urban farming and vertical farming?] [2022-09 Garten & Freizeit Markt – Jungpflanzen Schalen-Set für Herstellung von Microgreens] [2022-05 Grow microgreens, substrate bound or soilless young plants | Hortibiz] [2022-03 Ways to grow more plants in urban areas | Hortibiz] [2022-02 A new modular living wall system for edibles and vegetation | Gulf Agriculture Magazine] [2021-12 aponix urban farming systems Experten Profil bei GrünStattGrau] [2021-10 Vielseitiges Wandsystem für Innen und Außen] [2021-09 Scale-up Interview: Aponix vertical barrel] [2021-09 Modular living WallSystem for living plants indoor and outdoor] [2021-08 Thinking of Creating Your Own Vertical Farm? Aponix May Have The Solution | iGrow News] [2021-08 Aponix and The Entrepreneurs Providing Solutions | CitiFoods] [2021-07 DeliveryRank | Innovative Urban Micro Farming Solutions] [2021-06 VerticalFarmDaily | Alternative 3D cultivation equipment to install grow spaces in smart city] [2021-04 GFM Gartenmarkt] [2021-03 Urban Farming mit Erdlosen Kulturen] [2021-02 U GAAT BOUWEN – Version 3 | ready for vertical farming integration] [2020-12 3D Vertical Farming with Marco from Aponix] [2020-11 Erde 5.0 Perspektivwechsel Podcast – Urban Farming und Smart Cities] [2020-10 V3 in the Gulf Agriculture Mag Sept-Oct / Web view] [2020-09 Das Aponix-Fass, die vertikale Landwirtschaft] [2020-09 New Aponix plant plug holder] [2020-07 New pieces for vertical barrels and cooperation with new product partners] [2020-04 Aponix among the top 8 selected ideas in the ‘DLG-Ideenwettbewerb Urban Farming‘] [2020-01 25 Aponix among the top 25 innovations in the area of ‘Nutrition’ of the Blue Tulip Awards] [2019-11 Practical User Group openeed] [2019-10 Aponix – TASPO Awards 3rd Place ] [2019-10 hortidaily – Marco Tidona from Aponix talks about new accessories for the Aponix vertical barrels] [2019-08 New 1 Centered Net Pot Piece available] [2019-08 New Netafim-aponix Adapter for Irrigation] [2019-06 Interview with Marco on Urban Farming] [2019-06 City Test, Solar Driven City Version] [2019-05 Herbs Growing at LVG] [2019-05 Article in DEGA Gartenbau] [2019-04 Herbs Growing at LVG] [2019-04 Aponix Facebook User Group Opened] [2019-03 Testing Setup Offer] [2018-12 Aquaponics School Setup]

Make sure to check our newsletters too.

Vertikale Pflanztonne – aponix bietet auch eine erd-basierte Variante für den Home-User an

Original Veröffentlichung als Artikel auf ‘Home and Smart’. Das Konzept der vertikalen Pflanztonne von aponix liefert mit lego-artigen Bauteilen eine Lösung für den Aufbau von Pflanzplätzen für den erdlosen Anbau von Salaten und Kräutern mit höchster Pflanzdichte >60 Pflanzen pro Quadratmeter. Hiermit wird der konventionelle horizontale Anbau um eine variable dritte Dimension...
Aponix raised bed alternative / vertical soil- based barrel

Vertikale Pflanztonne – aponix bietet ab Sommer 2017 auch eine erd-basierte Variante an

German press content: Diese Pressemeldung kann frei heruntergeladen, modifiziert und als News verwendet werden: Dateien: pressemeldung_aponix_2017-05-30.doc (90KB) (7MB) Das Konzept der vertikalen Pflanztonne von aponix liefert mit lego-artigen Bauteilen eine Lösung für den Aufbau von Pflanzplätzen für den erdlosen Anbau von Salaten und Kräutern mit höchster Pflanzdichte >60 Pflanzen...

UrbanAg News: Aponix extended the NFT idea into the 3rd dimension

The Aponix vertical barrel is a new concept that facilitates setup of high-density growth spaces for soil-less production by taking the NFT concept to the 3rd dimension in a very flexible and stunningly simple way. Especially for urban farming facilities operating on limited space this will be a real game...

Urban farming poised to revolutionise agri-food production, says Professor Dickson Despommier and leaders in this market sector

Excerpt: (…) Other innovators who are embracing vertical and urban farming enthusiastically are equally ambitious, but their vision of how far the change will go and its relationship to traditional methods varies considerably. Marco Tidona, Managing Director of, based in Heidelberg, Germany (exhibiting in the Vertical Farm Zone at...

Title Page and Article in ASC Aquaponics Magazine

Aponix on the title and in an article of the Oct 2018 Issue of the ASC Trade Publication about aquaponics, aquaculture, permaculture and green growing featuring the aponix vertical barrel system...
Theresia Bauer und Marco Tidona bei aponix

RNZ, 04.09.2015 – Grüne diskutieren mit Ministerin Theresia Bauer über Gemüseanbau in der Stadt

Die Landwirtschaft der Zukunft erfordere neue, innovative und effiziente Anbaumethoden, meinte Marco Tidona. Der Software-Entwickler ist Geschäftsführer des Unternehmens “Aponix” in der Bahnstadt. Sein Konzept für städtische Landwirtschaft war ein Thema der Veranstaltung, zu der die Grünen mit Wissenschaftsministerin Theresia Bauer am Mittwoch eingeladen hatten. Auch Vertreter der Initiative “Essbares...

Research Facility LVG Running Aponix Barrels

Staatliche Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Gartenbau Heidelberg (LVG) is running a test of 3 different soilless systems starting June 2016. The systems can be seen at the open door day on the 10th of July 2016 (see: invitation). For the aponix barrels mini grow cubes are used in a fully...

Interview: What does ChatGPT know about co-creative urban farming and vertical farming?

Summary: Co-creative urban farming and vertical farming offer innovative ways to grow food in urban areas, promoting sustainability, social equity, economic development, and community building. These approaches can help to increase access to fresh, healthy, and locally-grown produce, reduce the environmental impact of traditional agriculture, create new job opportunities, and...

Interview in German on TASPO online – Zielsicher auf die Grüne Revolution zusteuern

Excerpt: ” Wo liegt der Unterschied zwischen aponix und gängigen vertikalen Systemen? Es gibt mehrere Unterschiede und speziell vertikale Systeme sind sehr unterschiedlich. Jedes System hat seine individuellen Stärken und Schwächen, die man sich vor einer Anschaffung genauer ansehen und gegeneinander abwägen sollte. Im Zweifel empfehlen wir, zunächst einen praktischen...

IHK Magazin Rhein-Neckar, Dec. 2015 – Vom Softwareentwickler zum Urban Farmer

See article in German in the monthly magazine of our chamber of commerce … (…) Excerpt from the original article: „Die Tonne wird an einen bestehenden Nährstoffkreislauf angeschlossen. Die Nährstofflösung gelangt über eine Druckpumpe und Schläuche in die Tonne und wird im Inneren zu Nieselregen zerstäubt. Damit werden die Wurzeln erreicht...

Growing in barrels instead of gutters – Hortidaily/Freshplaza

144 plants per square metre Instead of cultivating herbs and leafy vegetables in vertical NFT gutters, German developer Marco Tidona, decided to bend the gutters to cultivate in cylindrical cultivation barrels. With these Aponix barrels he can place about 144 plants per square metre in a space that is 2.30...

greenBUILDING, Ausgabe 01/2016 (#71) – Urban Farming Vertikal, Entwicklung eines Aeroponik-Pflanzsystems

German: Excerpt from the original content: Am Anfang stand die Suche nach einer genialen Geschäftsidee: Eine vertikal modulare Aeroponik-Anlage soll die nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion im urbanen Bereich ermöglichen. Und damit die Art, den Ort und die Weise verändern, wie wir Gemüse, Kräuter und Salat in Zukunft produzieren werden. Ideen gibt es viele...

Green Millenium Q&A with Marco Tidona, Inventor of the Aponix Barrel

My interview with Avinash Burra of Green Millenium: AB: Where do you see the Aponix Barrel and your company in the next 5 years? MT: The aeroponic barrel is supposed to be just a start of a system. There are already many improvements that will be incorporated into the next large-scale...
Aponix vertical barrel part

General Press Release June 2017 – Aponix Vertical Growing System

This publication is meant for free download, redistribution on 3rd party channels and usage for articles in magazines and as news: Files: pressrelease_aponix_2017-06-16.doc (90KB) (7MB) The aponix vertical barrel is a new concept that facilitates setup of high density grow spaces for soil-less production by expanding the NFT hydroponics concept into the...

Garden & Greenhouse Product Review – Aponix Vertical Drip Irrigation Growing System

The aponix vertical barrel is a new concept that facilitates setup of high density grow spaces for soil-less production by expanding the NFT hydroponics concept in a very flexible way. It is especially designed for urban farming facilities operating on limited space. The concept uses sturdy, compact and simple parts...

Custom Aponix Setup at BuGa 2019 Heilbronn/DE

We are very honored to have a permanent setup at the German BundesGartenschau in Heilbronn from 17. April until 6. Oct 2019. For more details see Thanks to the skilled and diligent researchers, horticulturists and friends of Staatliche Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt (LVG) für Gartenbau Heidelberg ( who are managing and maintaining...

ASC Magazine, Okt. 2015 – Software Developer Building Vertical Aeroponic Growing Barrel

>> Read the full article… (…) Current development status and next steps After investing in prototype tooling for the initial few barrels and having tested that the system acually works well, aponix is now working to bring down production cost in order to offer barrels at a reasonable and fair price...

Aponix Vertical Barrels shown in Tongzhou Park, Beijing

In Tongzhou, suburb of Beijing, CAU FUTONG has set up an agricultural park, called Beijing International Urban Agricultural S&T Park on nearly 100ha. It is a platform for communication & cooperation of international modern agriculture science & technology, demonstration platform of advanced agricultural facility & equipment, testing platform of advanced technology of agricultural science &...

Aponix Vertical Barrel Featured in HortiDaily Article

Marco Tidona from Aponix talks about new accessories for the Aponix vertical barrels Adapter to fool-proof irrigation in vertical farming system Aponix’ Vertical Barrel systems have been on the market for a while now, and since their conception, they have offered an alternative to rack systems as a way of...

Aponix Partnering at IPM 2019 Essen/DE

Thanks to our friends from HollandPlug/HollandBioProducts for sharing their booth with aponix at IPM 2019 Essen/DE in January; and Romeo Sommers to host one of our standalone demos at the Discovery Center at IPM to have us at IPM Essen 2019.  ...

Aponix Newsletter 2016-05 – GreenTech / Vertical Farming Pavilion

Summary: Aponix will be present at the AVF Summit on June 12 in Amsterdam. Aponix will be exhibiting at GreenTech, June 14.-16. 2016 in Amsterdam. You can find us in the Vertical Farming Pavilion at booth no 08.410Q. Aponix aeroponic barrels are shown as a kind of new component for vertical farming in...

Aponix in the AVF Cafe at Seeds & Chips 2017 in Milan

Here are a few impressions from the aponix concept being shown at the Seeds & Chips Expo in Milan. Thanks AVF for setting things up!...

Aponix Granted Authorization to Sign Preferential Goods

Since Feb 22nd 2018 aponix can declare preferential goods to make use of international free trade agreements between the European Union and other countries. This enables buyers to save the standard import taxes on larger consignments from Germany. Materials are currently manufactured in and also shipped from Germany. You can find...
Aponix booth at GreenTech 2016 in Amsterdam

Aponix Exhibiting at GreenTech 2016 in Amsterdam – Summary

At this year’s GreenTech in Amsterdam aponix announced the start of the large series production. After 2 years of testing some very important improvements have been incorporated into the 1/6th part version 2.0. Parts will be available from September 2016. Many thanks to all the visitors! Topics discussed: Since the vertical...

Aponix at Urban Gardening Event in Research Facility

Aponix is cooperating with the local ‘Staatliche Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt (LVG) für Gartenbau Heidelberg‘ since 2015 to test run and show case the different urban farming setup, also including our standalone soilless barrel and our larger multi barrel setup. This year the solution amongst others has been planted professionally in...

Aponix at the World Green Infrastructure Congress in Berlin

Here are a few impressions from the aponix concept being shown at the WGIC – World Green Infrastructure Congress 2017 in Berlin...

Aponix at the Global Forum for Innovation in Agriculture (GFIA) 2017 in Utrecht

Here are a few impressions from the aponix concept being shown at the GFIA exhibition in Utrecht. We have also been part of the Innovation Theatre program there with the ‘Aponix Vertical Barrel for High Density Soil-Less Plant Production’...

Aponix at spoga+gafa 2018

Aponix had its first appearance at spoga+gafa in Cologne this year to show the flexible vertical barrel applications also to end consumers and gardening professionals. The focus here was to test end consumer awareness and mingle with all the other gardening topics like outdoor kitchen solutions, barbequeues and outdoor living etc...

Aponix at Seeds&Chips 2018

Thanks to the initiative Water First aponix was invited to show their vertical farming product at this year’s Seeds&Chips conference in Milan. It was a very exciting show where we met lots of our friends from the global urban ag scene. Marco was speaking about controlled environment agriculture and vertical farming...
aponix at IPM Essen 2018

Aponix at IPM Essen 2018

More Links: Supported by German Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie Impressions 1 Impressions 2 Official show notes: EN: The aponix vertical barrel enables you to set up vertical grow spaces in a very flexible and modular way. By chosing from a range of different parts you can assemble ring segments...

Aponix at HortiContact Gorinchem 2020

That was the last trade show in February 2020 before the lockdowns. Still one of the most interesting networking shows to meet colleagues and freinds from the Dutch horticulture scene. The booth is also getting bigger. On one of the images you can see the burn marks where some visitors...

Aponix at HortiContact Gorinchem 2019

Our favorite show in terms of atmosphere, catering and networking within the Dutch horticulture scene – HortiContact Gorinchem 2019. Thank you for choosing aponix to be part of the ‘Innovatieroute‘ at the show. You can find a larger gallery of the show with images of a lot of exhibitors on this...

Aponix at HortiContact 2018

Our first time exhibiting at HortiContact Gorinchem/NL 2018. Aponix made great contacts and had a fantastic show! More links: Mention in HortiDaily Impressions 1 Impressions 2  ...

Aponix at GreenTech Amsterdam 2019

Some impressions from GreenTech 2019 in Amsterdam. As every year aponix was located in the Vertical Pavilion and participated in the GreenTech Innovation Award. Thanks for visiting our booth there! Some more images on our facebook page...

Aponix at GreenTech 2018

At this year’s green tech in Amsterdam aponix had the corner booth again in the AVF pavilion and also participated in the round table discussion panel about controlled environsment agriculture and urban vertical farming with influencers of the industry. Looking forward to meet all friends and innovators in that space again in...

Aponix at CropWorld 2016 in Amsterdam

Here are a few impressions from the aponix concept being shown at the CropWorld 2016 exhibition in Amsterdam...

Aponix adds new pieces and starts co-operation with new product partners

(…) Aponix’ mission is to facilitate the setup of high density grow spaces for soil-less cultivation by taking the existing 2D NFT concept to the 3rd dimension in a very flexible, simple and also robust way. It is especially designed for urban farming facilities operating on limited space. The range...